Flaga Polski Flaga WIelkiej Brytani Flaga Norwegii
Amfiteatr w Opolu

Amfiteatr w Opolu

Execution, delivery and assembly of steel footbridge on Gromadzka Street in Białystok (Park Antoniukowski).
Weight of structure: 8,0 T.
Period of execution: 2014 Steel viaduct
Execution, delivery and assembly of steel footbridge in Ks. J. Poniatowskiego Park in Białystok.
Weight of structure: 10,0 T.
Period of execution: 2014 Steel viduct
Execution, delivery and assembly of steel footbridge on Kościelna Street in Białystok.
Weight of structure: 9,0 T.
Period of execution: 2014 Construction steel
Execution, delivery and assembly of steel footbridge over National Road No. 8.
Weight of structure: 340,0 T.
Period of execution: 2012 Construction steel
Construction steel